Social Animals | Social Behaviour in Animals

Did You know About Social Animals or that Animals have Social Life too? Many species of insects and most vertebrates show a variety of hostile or friendly group behavioural activities associated with numbers of individuals living together. This is known as Social Behaviour of Social Animals. The cooperation achieved as a result of social behaviour has adaptive significance. It increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the species of social animals over that of other species. So it sounds amazing . Now these behaviour may include: 1-Division of labour 2-Team work 3-Defense 4-Search of food duties Silverback Gorilla Hostile and Helpful behaviours of Social Animals: In bees hives, hostile interaction is seen among the worker bees. Other worker bees kill the Old worker bee if she is unable to perform its duties in hives. Helpful interaction is also found among these bees as different bees have specific duties to perform over all the functions of hives. 1- Worker bees collect nectar ...