Animal Learning | Famous Experiments on Animals

 Animal Learning

Animal Learning is change in behaviour of animals resulting from experience. Unlike innate behaviour, learning is not controlled by genes. Learned behaviour can help animal become better suited to environment by learning and adapting to different conditions. There are six categories of learning.

1-Habituation Animal Learning

An animal learns to ignore a repeated and irrelevant stimulus in Habituation. We see the buffaloes or cows in street city or squirrels in the city parks. These animals have learned by repeated harmless encounters that humans are no more dangerous to them and behave accordingly. It is highly adaptive.

Experiment On Squirrels

When one of them feels the threat, all others hear signal from it and run to the nearest refuge. However, if signal comes from an individual who has caused many false alarms, its signal will be ignored.

animal learning

2-Imprinting Animal Learning

Imprinting is a type of learning in which a very young animal fixes its attention on the first object, with which it has visual, auditory, or tactile experience and thereafter follows that object. In experiments, animals and inanimate objects have been used.

Imprinting is intensively studied on birds, especially chickens, ducks, and geese.

Experiment On Graylag Goose

In normal life, geese hatch from eggs in the presence of mother goose. Soon after hatching, the goslings begin to follow their mother about. As she leads them to suitable areas to feed or protect them. Kornald Lorenz (in 1930) showed that imprinting stimulus in geese is any nearby object that is moving away from the newly born geese.

When incubator hatched goslings spent few hours with Lorenz rather than with a goose. They imprinted with him and followed him from then on. Furthermore, they showed no recognition of their biological mother or other adults of their species.

animal learning

3-Classical Conditioning in Animals

When an animal learns the same response for two different stimuli which are given to the animal simultaneously is called Classical Conditioning.

Experiment On Dogs

Pavlov paired the meat powder with various stimuli such as ringing of a bell. After the meat powder and ringing bell was presented together several times, the bell was used alone. Pavlov’s dogs, as predicted, responded to the bell (without food) by salivating. It means that salivating was a result of food or meat powder. But when ringing bell was paired with food, it was also able to trigger the salivation.

animal learning

4- Instrumental Conditioning (Trial and Error Animal Learning)

When an animal learns a response to a particular after many unsuccessful tries is called trial and error learning or operant conditioning. The trial-and-error learning occurs through experience.

In natural environment, animals are faced with naturally occurring awards and punishment and they learn by experience.

Experiment on Rat in a Box

The American psychologist B.F. Skinner studied conditioning in rats by placing them in rats by placing them in a specially designed box (today called Skinner box fitted with levers and other experimental devices.

Once inside, the rat would explore the box, running this way and that. It accidently pressed a lever, and a pellet of food appeared. Rat ignores the lever and continue to roam around. But very soon it learned how to press the lever and obtain food.

animal learning

5-Latent Learning in Animals

 It is when an animal learns a response for a particular stimulus in its routine life without having any punishment or reward. And then the animal is exposed to that stimulus again, the animal suddenly responds it by quickly recalling the previous experience. This is called latent learning.

Rat in Maze

The American psychologist K.L. Lashley used a maze for experiment on rat. A rat was put in the maze. The rat explores the maze in order to find the exit. Eventually the rat found the way to exit but it also learned the location of food in the maze.

 The rat was not hungry at that time so it did not pay attention to the food. Then the same rat was again put in the maze when it felt hungry. The rat because of its previous experience found the food quickly than a rat without previous exploratory experience.

learning in animal

6-Insight Learning in Animals

Insight learning is much complex type of learning because it requires an animal to respond correctly to a particular situation, it has never met before, in first attempt. Animal capable of insight learning seem to practice a sort of mental trial and error process, analysing the possibilities for the solution of a problem before setting out to tackle it.

Experiment On Chimpanzees

German psychologist Wolfgang Kohler performed extensive animal learning experiments on chimpanzees in 1920s. A chimpanzee was put into the cage by Kohler with several boxes and out of reach hung bananas. Chimpanzee solved the problem by stacking the boxes over each other. So it was able to climb on them and reach the bananas.

No past experience provided the chimpanzee with this plan. Somehow Chimpanzee was able to think that stacking the boxes over each other provide the mean to reach bananas. This type of learning is only present in primates (Humans, apes, monkeys) and in some other mammals.

animal learning

An Example of Innate Behaviour (By Birth Unlike Animal Learning)

 Nature’s most exciting drama is the migration of Salmon. The female builds her nest and deposits her male eggs. The male then moves alongside and deposits his sperm, over the eggs. The male Salmon dies within a few days of this. The newly hatched fish live the part of their lives in freshwater. And then migrate to the ocean to spend their adult life. Adult life may be as short as 6 months or as long as 7 years.

Migration between fresh and saltwater occurs every breeding season. Salmon swims hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles to go back to the stream where it was hatched. Many of them dies on the way, because they do not feed after they leave the ocean.

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